Since everybody else seems to have blogs these days, I figured I'd follow my herd instincts and do the same. Which leads me to my first disclaimer. It's not my fault that I've got a blog. It's everyone else's. Yep, you heard that right. The blame rests squarely on your shoulders. Yes, you, with your overly philosophical-sounding blog like "The Smartest Fool" or your well-intentioned, slightly-oxymoronic (or maybe just actually-moronic) title like "The Positive Negativist" or the "The Cynical Optimist." Now that we've established that it's not my fault that I'm keeping a blog, let's cut to the heart of the matter.
Who am I?
Well, that is the question on your mind, isn't it? A) It's the question that we've all been asking in one way or another since we were able ask pointless questions and B) if you don't know me, you're probably wondering "Who the fuck is this guy and should I listen to any of the crap he says?" Well, I'm going to avoid the glib or philosophical answer and go with the basic, "Hi my name is..." response. I'm Chris Brigham, currently a 20-year old college student at Claremont McKenna College. As of October, I'll be studying abroad at the London School of Economics in (you guessed it!) London, England. As far as the crap that comes out of my mouth, I take full credit for it. Most of it's even original. If you like it, that's awesome, if you don't, well, I don't know. . . I'm sorry?
What's my blog about?
This one's rather obvious, isn't it. This blog is about my life and all the minutiae and idiotic opinions that fill it. It's about the adventure I'm hoping to have defending America's reputation as the undisputed drinking champion of the world. In addition to that, and since I spend most of my time relaxing on the fence when it comes to political stuff, this will be the sounding board where I make fun of both parties at once. Every so often, just for kicks, I might even make fun of some new, ridiculous policy that they're trying to push through. Then again, I can only make fun of politicians and politics for so long. Therefore, to give this blog even more flavor, I'll venture into my favorite realm: economics (you can see already just how exciting this is going to be. Oh boy, politics, econ, and Chris Brigham's ego--I'll bet you're just drooling in anticipation). Econ-wise, I might give you my take on the market, the state of the economy as a whole, a particular company or executive, or something else entirely. Now, keep in mind that if I say it, it's probably either so obvious that everyone already knows it or so wrong that you should believe the exact opposite. If I say go long this-and-that, it could very well be in your best interest to go short. If I say a certain policy sucks, it could very well be the policy that saves the world. Then again, I could always get lucky and be right. And of course to round it all out, I'll link you to my favorite blogs, websites, and celebrity-gossip stories. This could be pretty cool. Or it could be a complete disaster. Either way, it should be interesting. Hope you enjoy it.