Thursday, April 16, 2009

Silence is Golden

My apologies for not updating the blog in a week or two. We're in the home stretch of thesis season here at Claremont McKenna and I've been toiling away for the past several weeks, conducting experiments and revising drafts of my paper on the role of emotion and mood in financial risk taking.

I'll still try to add a couple of things per week, but with thesis due on April 27th, my focus is elsewhere right now. Stay tuned April 28th for the rapid return to form. After all, once thesis is turned in, what else am I going to do between now and graduation?

In the meantime, compare these two takes on the current state of the economy. The first comes from Dr. Doom himself, Nouriel Roubini, who, true to form, tears down all hope of a recovery. The second comes from Investor's Business Daily, who argue that "Recovery's Coming."

Now, sit back, read up, and ponder what the world will be like in a future without John Madden's bizarre doodles on slow-mo replays, without his random utterances, and without his incredible knack for stating the obvious.

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