Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Last week, a prudish headmaster at a primary school here in the UK found his actions at the center of global headlines when he and his administration banned the sending of Valentine's Day cards on the school's premises. His argument for it was simple. Children are not capable of understanding relationships. He seems to have missed two key points. First, looking at the "adults" that surround me on a daily basis, sometimes I have to wonder how well even they understand relationships. And second, primary school is when kids are supposed to learn about the birds and the bees. Try to imagine life without the pre-adolescent aches and pains of your first crush. Would you rather that came when you were 20? Then again, I suppose sometimes those pains continue long into adulthood.

Giles Coren, of the Times of London, writes in this Saturday's edition that "sendin' Valentine cards learns kidz 'ow to rite," a skill that seems neglected enough in schools without banning the sending of sweet heart-shaped cards.

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