Sunday, November 14, 2010

Weekly Update -- 14 November 2010

This weeks' eyecatchers:

Zoellick thinks the gold standard should be re-examined? Joy for all the gold bugs and would-be Fed-enders. Roubini thinks fixed exchange rates are crap (and for once I agree with him). The Economist picks up the question and asks if there's a better way to organize the world's currencies.

Alan Greenspan weighs in.

Jim Rogers says Ben Bernanke doesn't understand economics.

Tax cut compromise? Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson have a way to save the fiscal day. And economists in Europe suggest a more optimal tax system.

Obama and Cameron go East! China goes into "Oil Overdrive." And the Economist looks at the future of Chinese takeovers in general.

High frequency trading finally gets its own lobby in Washington DC.

Nate Silver has an intriguing analysis of California's failed Prop 19. And Andrew Ferguson discusses "Amerijuana." Is it finally time for an honest analysis of drug use in America (and perhaps elsewhere as well)?

InTrade says Dems win the presidency in 2012. In the market for a GOP nominee? Romney trades at 24.8. Palin at 18.2. John Thune surprises at 13.6, topping the Iowa-and-NH-trotting Pawlenty at 7.7. Another surprise as Wisconsin's Rep. Paul Ryan trades ahead of Eric Cantor and Rudy Giuliani.

And George W. Bush reflects on his Decision Points. Reviews here, here, and here.

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