Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Life Update

So I just realized that in my, er, "hiatus," I completely forgot to mention a major fact. Since that bizarre "Who Am I?" post a year and a half ago, in which I briefly and unglamourously introduced myself, I have finished my studies at the London School of Economics, returned home to the United States, and am currently halfway through my senior year at Claremont McKenna College. In the past 18 months, I have learned quite a bit about myself and the world in which we live. All of this means that I now bring to you a somewhat-revamped and more-frequently-updated blog, with (hopefully) briefer thoughts and a wider range of links to other, more interesting stories.

To what do you, the reader, owe this development? To my favorite bloggers, of course. Besides Drudge, RealClearMarkets, RealClearPolitics, Long or Short Capital, Greg Mankiw, and The Big Picture, my new addition is Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish.

Mr. Sullivan joined an excited room full of Claremont McKenna Students last week at the Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum and I was so inspired while eating dinner with him and listening to him present his ideas that I decided to give the blogging thing another shot. So if my blog becomes more entertaining, send your thanks to him. And if instead it sucks, well, that's still my fault.

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