Monday, February 23, 2009

Worst Case Scenario Survival Guide to International Relations

A new book by "military futurist" Andrew F. Krepinevich illustrates seven detailed examples of possible worst case scenarios in US diplomacy and international geopolitics.

One of my friends sent me the link to the Wall Street Journal's review of "7 Deadly Scenarios," which details accounts of potential situations that the US could face in the next decade. Some of them are more plausible than others; although whether terrorists attacking the global oil supply (and daring to face the wrath of those in the Middle East whose finances and lives depend on a sound oil market) is more feasible than nuclear weapons being detonated in American cities, I can't begin to guess.

Call it fear-mongering, call it fantasy, call it whatever you will. But is it at least worth a read? Probably. If you've read it, or if you plan to, let me know what you think.

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